
Showing posts from October, 2021

What to look for when buying commercial door hardware

Commercial door hardware is a major investment for any business owner and it can be difficult to know what you need or how to buy the best quality items. There are many options available, both in style and function, as well as pricing ranges. This post will break down all of those considerations and help you decide what is right for your needs. Purchasing commercial door hardware can be intimidating for those with little experience in the industry; luckily there are plenty of excellent resources on the subject matter available to help make this process easier. Some may even be available from the company you plan on purchasing from, but a great place to start is with a Google search. With that said, here are some tips to help you buy commercial door hardware. 1. Know Your Budget The first step in choosing commercial door hardware is deciding what you can afford as this will ensure the best quality products for your budget. In general, price should not be your bi...

Amazing Benefits of Mortise Lock

A mortise lock is a locking mechanism that uses a notch called the mortise and a cylindrical rail to provide an interlocking mechanism. The locksets and locks used indoors and windows in most North American homes, including single-family residences, contain mortises. Mortise locks typically require two keys: one for the lock mechanism itself and one for the keyhole. This integral part of the lock makes them stronger than other mechanisms such as barrel bolts or deadbolts because there are no extra springs or pins to break. Mortise locks are used extensively throughout the world for varying applications. The term "mortise lock" can refer to a door's lock, but more commonly refers to a latch that is operated by a handle and opens and closes a narrow horizontal or vertical slot that provides access to the door or window. Mortise locks were originally created for exterior doors and gates; however, they are now common on interior doors. The deadbolt is the ...

What Homeowners Need To Know About Door Hinges

Homeowners may not think about this often, but door hinges can be an important part of maintaining a home. To help homeowners know when they should consider replacing the hinges on their door, here are some frequently asked questions that will help you better understand them. What is a hinge? The most basic definition of a hinge would be two pieces of metal or plastic fastened together so that they pivot and allow the objects to which the pieces are attached to move flexibly where there is no rigid connection between them. A hinge does not depend on gravity for its operation and it has no moving parts. How do door hinges work? They are basically a moveable stop that attaches the top of the door to the bottom within one of the hinges. They prevent movement in one direction but allow for limited movement in all directions. The two pieces are known as the pivot or pivot pin and the roller or bearing block. The parts are usually attached to each other b...

Picking the best door locks for your workplace

Have you ever had to replace door locks on the entrance of your workplace? If so, there are likely two questions that are crossing your mind: what locks should I buy and how do I go about replacing the locks? The following article will walk you through your options and help you decide on the best commercial door locks for your workplace. We'll cover some of the more popular lock types as well as a few different brands to help you make a more informed decision. Finally, we'll provide instructions on how to replace a door lock – let’s get started! There are several security concerns that need to be taken into account when choosing a door-lock system for your workplace. The first one is the practical one, which is how strong should my door be? The second question is more personal, which includes an existential inquiry into who came up with the idea of having locks on doors in general. Regardless of what your curiosity leads you to believe, there are so...

What Are Door Closers?

To understand door closers, you must first understand the various types of doors. For instance, there are sliding doors and swinging doors. The most common type of door is a swinging door. A door closer is a mechanical device that has been installed on the frame of a swinging door to automatically shut it at a set time interval after it has been opened. Its main purpose is to reduce energy costs by saving on air conditioning and heating since you don’t need to leave the air conditioner or heater running continuously while people come and go from the house or building. However, they also help slow downdrafts that could be coming in through an open door. Door closers are available in a wide variety of styles and prices. It’s important to find a model that is the right size for the doors you want to close. There are many different types of door closers, but most fall into either the bracket or pivot style. The bracket style consists of a frame installed on the upp...

Benefits of Using Electric Strikes

Wouldn’t you like to gain access to your building at the push of a button? Visitors, deliveries, and contractors could have an easier time entering your property if they are able to use their electronic key cards or access codes. Electric strikes are devices that allow for electric current to pass through on contact with a specific card or code. It works by checking the voltage level in contact with this card or code. If it reads as expected, then it will close an internal switch which then lets an electrical charge flow on the other side of this door latch, completing the circuit. When that happens, exactly twelve volts of electricity flow through the circuits in order to make these electric strikes function properly. Also, when there is a security concern, these door strikes allow for an alarm to sound when a specific entrance is accessed. Electric strikes are typically found in larger companies with multiple entrances and gates. In order for this to work, t...

Are Expensive Door Locks More Secure?

Do you really think the $2000 door lock will be enough to thwart your evil intruder? The truth is, it might not be. This bogus protection may seem like a good idea, but it's just wasting your money if it’s not a high-quality lockset. It's also an extra weight to an already heavy door frame. And if someone does get in by force, good luck getting out quickly enough to run away. All of this worst-case scenario talk should serve as a cautionary tale for anyone who thinks that expensive door locks are really worth the investment. Do yourself and your wallet justice by choosing a better option than unreasonably pricey hardware store lockable doors or pre-drilled doors with no door locks at all! You can even install security cameras on them for added protection against intrusion. If you can't afford a dedicated security system, at least make the effort to bolt the door from the inside! You'll be far safer than you would with an unsecured door. Every time we ...

The Top 5 Benefits of Buying Yale Locksets

Yale locksets are top-of-the-line for residential, commercial, and industrial door cabinet latches. Yale offers many different models that can accommodate a range of door sizes. These products are known to be easy to install with the company's patented cylinder design. The locksets are made of solid materials for long-lasting durability. Yale lockset can complement any interior or exterior housing design requiring aesthetics and function in one sleek unit. This is a perfect solution for condominium units, office buildings, rental units, hotels, and hospitals where safety and security are the primary concerns. Below are some of the many benefits that purchasing Yale locksets can provide to your home or business. 1. Safety/Security – No one would argue that safety is important in residential areas but it is still also necessary for your commercial properties as well. This is why installing Yale locksets is beneficial. You can be sure that the lockset yo...