Benefits of Using Electric Strikes
Wouldn’t you like to gain access to your building at the push of a button? Visitors, deliveries, and contractors could have an easier time entering your property if they are able to use their electronic key cards or access codes.
Electric strikes
are devices that allow for electric current to pass through on contact
with a specific card or code. It works by checking the voltage level in
contact with this card or code. If it reads as expected, then it will
close an internal switch which then lets an electrical charge flow on
the other side of this door latch, completing the circuit. When that
happens, exactly twelve volts of electricity flow through the circuits
in order to make these electric strikes function properly. Also, when
there is a security concern, these door strikes allow for an alarm to
sound when a specific entrance is accessed.
Electric strikes are typically found in larger companies with multiple
entrances and gates. In order for this to work, the electric strike must
be mounted on the frame of the door or entrance that needs access
The most common uses of electric strikes are in apartment complexes,
schools, factories, and also hospitals. For example, if a student has a
late night at the library and forgets their key card to get back in
their apartments they can give a friend a copy of their card to open the
external door. These cards are typically embedded with PIN codes that
open electronically activated doors.
The benefits of using electric strikes are numerous. For example, these
devices allow for easy access control to any part of the premises within
your building. They can be used to unlock multiple doors simultaneously
in the event that multiple people need access to different parts of
your building at the same time. One misplaced card or code will not be
able to get back into your building, which means you will never risk
having someone else swipe their card or key code accidentally.
These electric strikes work for businesses, apartment complexes, and
even your home. They can be used to gain easy access to your building or
secure your doors as needed. The best part about using electric strikes
is the fact that they are inexpensive and very easy to install.
Visit a locks supply store online to see what is offered in terms of electric strikes.
Some Other Electronic Locks and Accessories Options
Electronic locks are used in a variety of settings from office buildings
to homes. Doors with electronic locks need to have a power source,
typically an AC-powered device, so they can operate. In some cases,
these locks can be used with DC power sources as well. The door lock
device itself needs to be connected to the door via some type of
connection system; most electronic doors require special pieces that
will connect into the conventional locking pieces of the door.
Magnetic lock: a magnetic lock is a device that allows
for electric current to flow through when two magnets, usually placed on
the frame of the door and door frame, connect with each other. The most
common example of this is when your office doors have them. This
technology is easy to use and is very effective in most situations. It
is also very affordable and can be added onto existing doors very easily
so you do not have to replace your entire door system or even your
entire door if you would prefer something more advanced.
Motorized locks: a motorized lock operates on a more
advanced level than some of the other electronic locks that might be
found in the home or business setting. These locks are very durable,
especially when compared to their manual counterparts, and can be found
in a variety of finishes and designs. They come with all the options you
might find with other styles, but they can be controlled from a remote
location from a computer system or even from your smartphone.
About Park Avenue Locks
Choosing the right door lock for your business or home can be stressful.
At Park Avenue locks, we strive to make it as easy as possible by
breaking down your options and offering a wide selection to fit your
style. Some of our best-selling products include emtek mortise lock,
yale locksets, lcn door closers, hes electric strikes,
door hinges, and other door accessories. Get the best door lock brands
all in one location for affordable pricing, whether you’re a custom home
builder or a homeowner when you shop with us. For all your door locks
and accessories, head over to Park Avenue Locks. We offer both
residential and commercial door locks at competitive prices and offer
free shipping on orders over $100.
For more information visit,
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